Single Review: Penny - “Link”

Hello World! RNB Nerd had the pleasure of reviewing the latest release from Penny; “Link”.

You never really know what's to come from those times when an artist or creative goes silent for a period of time. Plotting, scheming, behind the scenes. Are they completely detaching from the grind of churning out content OR totally enveloped in the creative process to bring us more of what we love? Lucky for us, Penny has been doing the later and is returning to the forefront of our feeds with his hot new single, "Link".

The haunting record has a slow build, adding layer after layer as we journey to the chorus. The background vocals flesh out the record and balance the more minimal moments on the verses. If you are familiar with Penny's past work, you KNOW he can sing. Hearing this more reserved side of him, vocally, makes me wonder if he is going to come out swinging with the vocals for the next release.

Overall a solid record, my only critique is wishing for just a bit of variaton in the vocal delivery. We know Penny has it in him and we got a little of that with a few of those croon-like ad-libs. I am super hyped to hear what else Penny has in store for us.

ALSO - I did a full interview with him where we talked about his influences, his successful life as a songwriter, his new single “Link”, and much more! I REALLY enjoy when I can connect with the people I talk/interview with and MAN OH MAN, this was great! Check it below! :)


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